Afrique - Le Serengeti (60) Images supplémentaires...
Every year, spurred on by the dry season, nearly two million wildebeests, zebras and gazelles embark on an epic journey to find lusher, wetter plains. The inexorable trek eventually bring them full circle until, governed by the annual cycle of the rains, it begins anew.

Along the way, the herds encounter a kaleidoscope of wildlife that inhabits the east African plains - some of which regard the migrants as prey. Those lucky enough not to be eaten risk injury, drowning, predation, infection, parasites, disease, starvation and drought.

^It's an awfully dangerous trip^, remarks photographer Anup Shah, whose outstanding images reveal the life and drama of the migration as it unfolds. ^Perhaps one of the riskiest any creature could embark upon. But it is one the migrants are winning. The three-quarter million that, on average, fall prey to the hazards of this increddible journey are replaced by the three-quarter million newborn^.
Shah's book 'African Odyssey: 365 Days' published by Abrams is a comprehensive account of the annual migration cycle; the result of Shah's work as he followed the herds for a year. His journey took him through East Africa's Greater Serengeti Ecosystem, encompassing the Ngrongoro Conservation Area, Maasai Mara and Serengeti National Park.

^The Great Migration is a magnificent event^ says Shah; ^It is incomparable. Gathered in enormous numbers, moving in endless columns, braving river hazards, harried and murdered by predators, the animals of the Great Migration make it truly one of the most remarkable natural events on the planet^. Shah is not the only one who thinks so - in November 2006 the Great Migration was voted one of the ^New Seven Wonders of the World^.*

'African Odyssey: 365 Days' is a collaboration between Anup and his brother, Manoj Shah. Sons of Indian parents, they were born and raised in Kenya but were educated at universities in England (Anup has a PhD in Economics), They soon returned to Kenya, where they turned their love for its land and wildlife into successful careers as photographers. Their award-winning photographs** have appeared in numerous magazines and books including Natural History, Nature's Best and Abram's The Circle of Life. Since 2003, they have worked for National Geographic , and published several notable stories on the widlife of the Greater Serengeti Ecosystem, including cheetahs, flamingoes, zebras, hyenas and patas monkeys.

For more information and images, contact

* polled by a jury of experts for ABC Television - a leading American broadcaster.

**Wildlife Photographer of the Year (WPOY) 1999 (Gerald Durrell award); 2000 (grand prize); 1997 (WPOY Mammal Behaviour); 2004 (WPOY Mammal Behaviour)

African lion {Panthera leo} male watching through grass, Serengeti NP, Tanzania
Anup Shah / African lion {Panthera leo} male watching through grass, Serengeti NP, Tanzania
Male African lion {Panthera leo} trotting across his territory to see of an intruder, Masai Mara GR, Kenya. Lions can run at speeds of 50mph!
Anup Shah / Male African lion {Panthera leo} trotting across his territory to see of an intruder, Masai Mara GR, Kenya. Lions can run at speeds of 50mph!
Lions attacking Hippopotamus {H. amphibius} Masai Mara, Kenya. Sequence 2 of 5
Anup Shah / Lions attacking Hippopotamus {H. amphibius} Masai Mara, Kenya. Sequence 2 of 5
Lioness shaking off rain, surrounded by cubs, Masai Mara, Kenya, East Africa
Anup Shah / Lioness shaking off rain, surrounded by cubs, Masai Mara, Kenya, East Africa
Juvenile male Cheetah on bonnet of vehicle looking back under tail at photographer.
Anup Shah / Juvenile male Cheetah on bonnet of vehicle looking back under tail at photographer.
Binti, female Cheetah {Acinonyx jubatus} carrying 10 day old cub. Masai Mara, Kenya.
Anup Shah / Binti, female Cheetah {Acinonyx jubatus} carrying 10 day old cub. Masai Mara, Kenya.
Cheetah female with two cubs passing in front of wildebeest herd. Kenya Masai Mara. 'Frisky' and two of 3rd litter
Anup Shah / Cheetah female with two cubs passing in front of wildebeest herd. Kenya Masai Mara. 'Frisky' and two of 3rd litter
Cheetah cubs learning to hunt with Thomson's gazelle fawn provided by their mother.
Anup Shah / Cheetah cubs learning to hunt with Thomson's gazelle fawn provided by their mother.
Leopard {Panthera pardus}, Masai Mara Game Reserve, Kenya
Anup Shah / Leopard {Panthera pardus}, Masai Mara Game Reserve, Kenya
Leopard grooming cub {Panthera pardus}, Masai Mara Game Reserve, Kenya
Anup Shah / Leopard grooming cub {Panthera pardus}, Masai Mara Game Reserve, Kenya
Aggressive Leopard snarling (Panthera pardus) Masai Mara NR, Kenya
Anup Shah / Aggressive Leopard snarling (Panthera pardus) Masai Mara NR, Kenya
Silhouette of Leopard leaping {Panthera pardus} Masai Mara, Kenya
Anup Shah / Silhouette of Leopard leaping {Panthera pardus} Masai Mara, Kenya