A - D - DALTON Stephen (120) More files...
We are delighted to announce that we now represent Stephen Dalton and more than 2000 of his finest images are now available from www.naturepl.com.

Stephen is the acknowledged master of high speed photography and developed many of the techniques nearly 40 years ago which made it possible to capture in both single images and multiple exposures creatures in motion, from bees and birds in flight and leaping grasshoppers to diving frogs, gliding lizards and the famous basilisk running across the water's surface.

His work is very international in emphasis, with many familiar British and European species plus a range of more exotic creatures from Africa, Asia and the Americas. Stephen has published many books, including titles on British habitats, high speed photography, flight, rainforests and most recently spiders. He lives in Sussex and many of his images are taken in the beautiful woodland and farmland of the Sussex Weald.
Leopard frog (Rana pipiens) leaping from water, controlled conditions, from USA
Stephen Dalton / Leopard frog (Rana pipiens) leaping from water, controlled conditions, from USA
Sparrowhawk {Accipiter nisus} in flight with feet extended for landing, UK
Stephen Dalton / Sparrowhawk {Accipiter nisus} in flight with feet extended for landing, UK
Carder bumblebee (Bombus pascuorum) in flight approaching flowering Foxglove (Digitalis sp) UK
Stephen Dalton / Carder bumblebee (Bombus pascuorum) in flight approaching flowering Foxglove (Digitalis sp) UK
Wallace's flying frog (Rhacophorus nigropalmatus) gliding from tree, controlled conditions, from Malaysia and Indonesia
Stephen Dalton / Wallace's flying frog (Rhacophorus nigropalmatus) gliding from tree, controlled conditions, from Malaysia and Indonesia
Ringneck / Java dove {Streptopelia roseogrisea} flight sequence, multiflash image, controlled conditions
Stephen Dalton / Ringneck / Java dove {Streptopelia roseogrisea} flight sequence, multiflash image, controlled conditions
Green lacewing {Chrysopa sp} flight sequence, multiflash image, UK
Stephen Dalton / Green lacewing {Chrysopa sp} flight sequence, multiflash image, UK
Flying lizard (Draco volans) gliding, controlled conditions, from Indonesia
Stephen Dalton / Flying lizard (Draco volans) gliding, controlled conditions, from Indonesia
Common kingfisher (Atthis alcedo) flying with fish prey towards nest hole in river bank, UK
Stephen Dalton / Common kingfisher (Atthis alcedo) flying with fish prey towards nest hole in river bank, UK
Cat flea {Ctenocephalides felis} leaping sequence, multiflash image
Stephen Dalton / Cat flea {Ctenocephalides felis} leaping sequence, multiflash image
Giant sailfin dragon lizard {Hydrosaurus amboinensis} running over the surface of water, controlled conditions, from Indonesia
Stephen Dalton / Giant sailfin dragon lizard {Hydrosaurus amboinensis} running over the surface of water, controlled conditions, from Indonesia
Common cockchafer {Melolontha melolontha} in flight, UK
Stephen Dalton / Common cockchafer {Melolontha melolontha} in flight, UK
Blue and yellow macaw (Ara ararauna) in flight, South America, controlled conditions
Stephen Dalton / Blue and yellow macaw (Ara ararauna) in flight, South America, controlled conditions