J - M - KOLVOORT Willem (36) Images supplémentaires...
Willem Kolvoort fait de la prise de vue sous-marine depuis plus de 30 ans dans de nombreux endroits du globe. Il s’intéresse particulièrement à la vie aquatique en eau douce des lacs et des digues de la Hollande, son pays. Il aime travailler en extérieur et observer toutes sortes de créatures, des minuscules puces d’eau à la gigantesque perche. Il a rarement recours aux aquariums et privilégie la lumière naturelle, seule capable de restituer des ambiances mystérieuses. La mare de son jardin, qui regorge de plantes aquatiques et de vie sauvage, est son studio favori.
Split level view of White water lily (Nymphaea alba) flowering at surface with windmill behind, Lake Naarden, Holland
Willem Kolvoort / Split level view of White water lily (Nymphaea alba) flowering at surface with windmill behind, Lake Naarden, Holland
European edible froglets (Rana esculenta) on lily pad, Holland
Willem Kolvoort / European edible froglets (Rana esculenta) on lily pad, Holland
Pike (Esox lucius)  under aquatic plants in sand winning pit, Holland
Willem Kolvoort / Pike (Esox lucius) under aquatic plants in sand winning pit, Holland
Common frogs (Rana temporaria) mating amongst frogspawn, Holland
Willem Kolvoort / Common frogs (Rana temporaria) mating amongst frogspawn, Holland
Noble crayfish (Astacus astacus), blue variety, nearly extinct in Holland, captive in aquarium
Willem Kolvoort / Noble crayfish (Astacus astacus), blue variety, nearly extinct in Holland, captive in aquarium
Silhouette of immature European edible frog (Rana esculenta) on top of waterlily leaf, tail stump still visible, garden pond, Holland
Willem Kolvoort / Silhouette of immature European edible frog (Rana esculenta) on top of waterlily leaf, tail stump still visible, garden pond, Holland
Larva of Damselfly {Coenagrionidae} on leaf of aquatic plant, Garden Pond, Holland
Willem Kolvoort / Larva of Damselfly {Coenagrionidae} on leaf of aquatic plant, Garden Pond, Holland
Common frogs (Rana temporaria) mating out of water, Holland
Willem Kolvoort / Common frogs (Rana temporaria) mating out of water, Holland
Face portrait of European eel (Anguilla anguilla) sand winning pit, Holland
Willem Kolvoort / Face portrait of European eel (Anguilla anguilla) sand winning pit, Holland
Tadpoles of Common european toad (Bufo bufo)  from underneath, Holland
Willem Kolvoort / Tadpoles of Common european toad (Bufo bufo) from underneath, Holland
Larva of Great crested newt (Triturus cristatus) Holland
Willem Kolvoort / Larva of Great crested newt (Triturus cristatus) Holland
Underside view of mouth suction pad of Brook lamprey (Lampetra planeri) captive in aquarium, Holland
Willem Kolvoort / Underside view of mouth suction pad of Brook lamprey (Lampetra planeri) captive in aquarium, Holland