J - M - MARIGO Luiz Claudio (24) More files...
Luiz Claudio Marigo was born in Rio de Janeiro and studied Philosophy and Eastern Culture as well as Cinematography. He has dedicated the past twenty two years of his professional life to nature photography, illustrating and writing articles for various magazines in Brazil and around the world. He has also provided the photographs for many books, both scientific and literary. He has traveled throughout Brazil and other countries of South America, photographing ecosystems, flora, fauna and people and has particularly in depth coverage of the Amazon tropical rainforest and flooded forests, Atlantic rainforest and cerrado.
Jaguars fighting {Panthera onca} tropical rainforest, Brazil. Captive.
Luiz Claudio Marigo / Jaguars fighting {Panthera onca} tropical rainforest, Brazil. Captive.
Giant anteater in grassland fire {Myremecophaga tridactyla} Emas NP, Brazil - composite image
Luiz Claudio Marigo / Giant anteater in grassland fire {Myremecophaga tridactyla} Emas NP, Brazil - composite image
Little spotted cat {Felis tigrina} in rainforest tree, endangered, Brazil. Captive
Luiz Claudio Marigo / Little spotted cat {Felis tigrina} in rainforest tree, endangered, Brazil. Captive
White uakari monkey {Cacajao calvus} Mamiraua reserve, Amazonas, Brazil
Luiz Claudio Marigo / White uakari monkey {Cacajao calvus} Mamiraua reserve, Amazonas, Brazil
Trees in flooded rainforest (Igapo), River Negro, Amazonas, Brazil
Luiz Claudio Marigo / Trees in flooded rainforest (Igapo), River Negro, Amazonas, Brazil
Aerial view of Igapo flooded rainforest, River Negro, Anavilhanas Ecol Stn, Brazil
Luiz Claudio Marigo / Aerial view of Igapo flooded rainforest, River Negro, Anavilhanas Ecol Stn, Brazil
Aerial view of Igapo flooded rainforest, River Ariau, Amazonas, Brazil
Luiz Claudio Marigo / Aerial view of Igapo flooded rainforest, River Ariau, Amazonas, Brazil
Toborochi tree {Chorisia insignis} in Gran Chaco NP, Bolivia, chaco vegetation
Luiz Claudio Marigo / Toborochi tree {Chorisia insignis} in Gran Chaco NP, Bolivia, chaco vegetation
Saffron toucanet {Pteroglossus bailloni} Atlantic rainforest, SE Brazil
Luiz Claudio Marigo / Saffron toucanet {Pteroglossus bailloni} Atlantic rainforest, SE Brazil
Six banded / yellow armadillo {Euphractus sexcinctus} Minas Gerais, Brazil
Luiz Claudio Marigo / Six banded / yellow armadillo {Euphractus sexcinctus} Minas Gerais, Brazil
Red billed scythebill {Campulorhampus trochili- rostris} pantanal, Brazil
Luiz Claudio Marigo / Red billed scythebill {Campulorhampus trochili- rostris} pantanal, Brazil
Boy with pet Blackish squirrel monkey {Saimiri vanzolinii} Amazonas, Brazil
Luiz Claudio Marigo / Boy with pet Blackish squirrel monkey {Saimiri vanzolinii} Amazonas, Brazil