• Résultats pour
    • barred conger eel
  • (3)
Barred conger eel (Ariosoma fasciatus) head poking through gravel. Pantar, Alor Archipelago, Indonesia.
David Hall / Barred conger eel (Ariosoma fasciatus) head poking through gravel. Pantar, Alor Archipelago, Indonesia.
Barred sand conger eel (Ariosoma fasciatum) Lembeh Strait, North Sulawesi, Indonesia.
Constantinos Petrinos / Barred sand conger eel (Ariosoma fasciatum) Lembeh Strait, North Sulawesi, Indonesia.
Barred sand conger (Ariosoma fasciatum or Poeciloconger fasciatus) head sticking out of burrow in sea floor, Sulu Sea, Philippines
Pascal Kobeh / Barred sand conger (Ariosoma fasciatum or Poeciloconger fasciatus) head sticking out of burrow in sea floor, Sulu Sea, Philippines