• Results for
    • los cedros rainfrog
  • (3)
Los Cedros rain frog (Pristimantis cedros), described in 2015, recorded only within Los Cedros Biological Reserve, Imbabura Province, Ecuador.
Morley Read / Los Cedros rain frog (Pristimantis cedros), described in 2015, recorded only within Los Cedros Biological Reserve, Imbabura Province, Ecuador.
Mutable rainfrog (Pristimantis mutabilis). This recently described species is able to change its skin morphology from smooth to tuberculate. In montane rainforest at 2,000m elevation, Cordillera del T...
Morley Read / Mutable rainfrog (Pristimantis mutabilis). This recently described species is able to change its skin morphology from smooth to tuberculate. In montane rainforest at 2,000m elevation, Cordillera del T...
Pinnochio rainfrog (Pristimantis appendiculatus) perched on a leaf in montane rainforest at 2,000m elevation, Cordillera del Toisan, Los Cedros Biological Reserve, September 2019.
Morley Read / Pinnochio rainfrog (Pristimantis appendiculatus) perched on a leaf in montane rainforest at 2,000m elevation, Cordillera del Toisan, Los Cedros Biological Reserve, September 2019.