• Résultats pour
    • tragulidae
  • (34)
Lesser mouse-deer (Tragulus kanchil) Sabah, Borneo.
Sylvain Cordier / Lesser mouse-deer (Tragulus kanchil) Sabah, Borneo.
Java mouse-deer (Tragulus javanicus) at night, occurs in Java.
Roland Seitre / Java mouse-deer (Tragulus javanicus) at night, occurs in Java.
Java mouse-deer (Tragulus javanicus) captive, occurs in Java.
Roland Seitre / Java mouse-deer (Tragulus javanicus) captive, occurs in Java.
Philippine mouse-deer (Tragulus nigricans) 'tapetum lucidum' in eyes shining with reflected light, captive endemic to Balabac, Philippines.
Roland Seitre / Philippine mouse-deer (Tragulus nigricans) 'tapetum lucidum' in eyes shining with reflected light, captive endemic to Balabac, Philippines.
Yellow-striped chevrotain (Moschiola kathygre) captive, endemic to Sri Lanka.
Roland Seitre / Yellow-striped chevrotain (Moschiola kathygre) captive, endemic to Sri Lanka.
Yellow-striped chevrotain (Moschiola kathygre) with 'tapetum lucidum' in eyes reflecting light, captive, endemic to Sri Lanka.
Roland Seitre / Yellow-striped chevrotain (Moschiola kathygre) with 'tapetum lucidum' in eyes reflecting light, captive, endemic to Sri Lanka.
Yellow-striped chevrotain (Moschiola kathygre) with 'tapetum lucidum' in eyes reflecting light, captive, endemic to Sri Lanka.
Roland Seitre / Yellow-striped chevrotain (Moschiola kathygre) with 'tapetum lucidum' in eyes reflecting light, captive, endemic to Sri Lanka.
Java mouse-deer (Tragulus javanicus) captive, occurs in Java.
Roland Seitre / Java mouse-deer (Tragulus javanicus) captive, occurs in Java.
Java mouse-deer (Tragulus javanicus) with 'tapetum lucidum' in eyes reflecting light, captive, occurs in Java.
Roland Seitre / Java mouse-deer (Tragulus javanicus) with 'tapetum lucidum' in eyes reflecting light, captive, occurs in Java.
Yellow-striped chevrotain (Moschiola kathygre) close up of eye. Captive, endemic to Sri Lanka.
Roland Seitre / Yellow-striped chevrotain (Moschiola kathygre) close up of eye. Captive, endemic to Sri Lanka.
Greater mouse-deer (Tragulus napu) with 'tapetum lucidum' in eyes reflecting light, captive, occurs in South East Asia.
Roland Seitre / Greater mouse-deer (Tragulus napu) with 'tapetum lucidum' in eyes reflecting light, captive, occurs in South East Asia.
Lesser mouse-deer (Tragulus kanchil) captive, occurs in  Southeast Asia.
Roland Seitre / Lesser mouse-deer (Tragulus kanchil) captive, occurs in Southeast Asia.