• RĂ©sultats pour
    • punaise rouge Ă  raies noires
  • (21)
Harlequin bugs {Graphosoma italicum} feeding on Fennel  Spain
PREMAPHOTOS / Harlequin bugs {Graphosoma italicum} feeding on Fennel Spain
Group of Striped shield bugs (Graphosoma lineatum) mating on Wild carrot (Daucus carota), France. August.
Konrad Wothe / Group of Striped shield bugs (Graphosoma lineatum) mating on Wild carrot (Daucus carota), France. August.
Group of Striped shield bugs (Graphosoma lineatum) mating on Wild carrot (Daucus carota), France. August.
Konrad Wothe / Group of Striped shield bugs (Graphosoma lineatum) mating on Wild carrot (Daucus carota), France. August.
Pair of Striped shield bugs (Graphosoma lineatum) mating on Fennel (Ferula sp.) flower, Nr Orvieto. Umbria, Italy. August.
Paul Harcourt Davies / Pair of Striped shield bugs (Graphosoma lineatum) mating on Fennel (Ferula sp.) flower, Nr Orvieto. Umbria, Italy. August.
Mating pair of Italian striped bug (Graphosoma lineatum italicum) on a flowering thistle, Umbria, Italy. June.
Paul Harcourt Davies / Mating pair of Italian striped bug (Graphosoma lineatum italicum) on a flowering thistle, Umbria, Italy. June.
Italian striped bug (Graphosoma lineatum italicum) resting on leaf, Umbria, Italy. June.
Paul Harcourt Davies / Italian striped bug (Graphosoma lineatum italicum) resting on leaf, Umbria, Italy. June.
Stink bug (Graphosoma lineatum). The Netherlands. September.
Edwin Giesbers / Stink bug (Graphosoma lineatum). The Netherlands. September.
Stink bug (Graphosoma lineatum) on Daisy flower. The Netherlands. June.
Edwin Giesbers / Stink bug (Graphosoma lineatum) on Daisy flower. The Netherlands. June.
Stink Bugs mating (Graphosoma italicum), Provence, France.
Robert Pickett / Stink Bugs mating (Graphosoma italicum), Provence, France.