• Résultats pour
    • Apical
  • (7)
Lupin aphid (Macrosiphum albifrons) infestation on stem and apical shoots of young Tree lupin (Lupinus arboreus). Berkshire, England, UK. May.
Nigel Cattlin / Lupin aphid (Macrosiphum albifrons) infestation on stem and apical shoots of young Tree lupin (Lupinus arboreus). Berkshire, England, UK. May.
Apical Flycatcher (Myiarchus apicalis), Chicaque Natural Park, Colombia
Thomas Marent / Apical Flycatcher (Myiarchus apicalis), Chicaque Natural Park, Colombia
Aesculapian snake (Zamenis longissimus) close-up of dorsal scales from a shed skin, showing apical pits, thought to be sensory organs.  Native to southern Europe.
Chris Mattison / Aesculapian snake (Zamenis longissimus) close-up of dorsal scales from a shed skin, showing apical pits, thought to be sensory organs. Native to southern Europe.
King flower, the apical dominant flower, on Apple buds and blossom among a rosette of green leaves in spring Berkshire, England, UK.
Nigel Cattlin / King flower, the apical dominant flower, on Apple buds and blossom among a rosette of green leaves in spring Berkshire, England, UK.
Stem flattening 'fasciation' on a Spear thistle, (Cirsium vulgare) flowering plant, Berkshire, England, UK, June
Nigel Cattlin / Stem flattening 'fasciation' on a Spear thistle, (Cirsium vulgare) flowering plant, Berkshire, England, UK, June
Carnation tortrix (Cacoecimorpha pronubana) caterpillar feeding and binding the leaves of red valerian (Centranthus ruber) Berkshire, England, UK. September
Nigel Cattlin / Carnation tortrix (Cacoecimorpha pronubana) caterpillar feeding and binding the leaves of red valerian (Centranthus ruber) Berkshire, England, UK. September
Carnation tortrix (Cacoecimorpha pronubana) caterpillar feeding and binding the leaves of red valerian (Centranthus ruber) Berkshire, England, UK. September
Nigel Cattlin / Carnation tortrix (Cacoecimorpha pronubana) caterpillar feeding and binding the leaves of red valerian (Centranthus ruber) Berkshire, England, UK. September