• Résultats pour
    • Australasia
  • (5000 de 16799)
Blue-winged parrots (Neophema chrysostoma) flock perched on fence, near Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
Roland Seitre / Blue-winged parrots (Neophema chrysostoma) flock perched on fence, near Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
Three Blue-winged parrots (Neophema chrysostoma) perched on Sunflower seedheads, near Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
Roland Seitre / Three Blue-winged parrots (Neophema chrysostoma) perched on Sunflower seedheads, near Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
Man holding Blue-winged parrot (Neophema chrysostoma) showing wing plumage, Australia.
Roland Seitre / Man holding Blue-winged parrot (Neophema chrysostoma) showing wing plumage, Australia.
Two Bourke's parrots (Neopsephotus bourkii) drinking at waterhole at night, Kilcowera station, Thargomindah, Queensland, Australia.
Roland Seitre / Two Bourke's parrots (Neopsephotus bourkii) drinking at waterhole at night, Kilcowera station, Thargomindah, Queensland, Australia.
Red-fronted parakeet (Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae) Mutant lutino colour morph, standing on the ground, New Zealand.
Roland Seitre / Red-fronted parakeet (Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae) Mutant lutino colour morph, standing on the ground, New Zealand.
Blue-winged parrots (Neophema chrysostoma) flock in flight, Tasmania, Australia.
Roland Seitre / Blue-winged parrots (Neophema chrysostoma) flock in flight, Tasmania, Australia.
Bourke's parrot (Neopsephotus bourkii) drinking at desert puddle, Kilcowera station, Thargomindah, Queensland, Australia.
Roland Seitre / Bourke's parrot (Neopsephotus bourkii) drinking at desert puddle, Kilcowera station, Thargomindah, Queensland, Australia.
Hooded parrot (Psephotus dissimilis) male, standing in puddle, Northern Territory, Katherine (region), Australia.
Roland Seitre / Hooded parrot (Psephotus dissimilis) male, standing in puddle, Northern Territory, Katherine (region), Australia.
Antipodes green parakeet (Cyanoramphus unicolor) standing on the ground holding a twig in its beak, New Zealand. Captive.
Roland Seitre / Antipodes green parakeet (Cyanoramphus unicolor) standing on the ground holding a twig in its beak, New Zealand. Captive.
Hooded parrot (Psephotus dissimilis) male, perched on side of termite mound, Northern Territory, Katherine (region), Australia.
Roland Seitre / Hooded parrot (Psephotus dissimilis) male, perched on side of termite mound, Northern Territory, Katherine (region), Australia.
Paradise parrot (Psephotus pulcherrimus) extinct, museum specimen, Australian Museum, Sydney, Australia.
Roland Seitre / Paradise parrot (Psephotus pulcherrimus) extinct, museum specimen, Australian Museum, Sydney, Australia.
Various species of parrot from the genus Psephotus, including the extince Paradise parrot (Psephotus pulcherrimus) museum specimens, Australian Museum, Sydney, Australia.
Roland Seitre / Various species of parrot from the genus Psephotus, including the extince Paradise parrot (Psephotus pulcherrimus) museum specimens, Australian Museum, Sydney, Australia.