• Résultats pour
    • Behavioural
  • (5000 de 6836)
Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) hunting in a shoal of Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus), northern Norway, March
Ismaele Tortella / Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) hunting in a shoal of Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus), northern Norway, March
White tailed eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) catching fish, Lofoten, Norway, August.
Ismaele Tortella / White tailed eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) catching fish, Lofoten, Norway, August.
Slow motion clip of a Linnaeus' sipo snake (Chironius exoletus) with open mouth, part of threat display, Amazon rainforest, Orellana Province, Ecuador. (non-ex)
Morley Read / Slow motion clip of a Linnaeus' sipo snake (Chironius exoletus) with open mouth, part of threat display, Amazon rainforest, Orellana Province, Ecuador. (non-ex)
Slow motion clip of a large group of Butterflies (Pieridae) taking flight after puddling, absorbing nutrients or minerals from damp soil, Orellana Province, Amazon rainforest, Ecuador. (non-ex)
Morley Read / Slow motion clip of a large group of Butterflies (Pieridae) taking flight after puddling, absorbing nutrients or minerals from damp soil, Orellana Province, Amazon rainforest, Ecuador. (non-ex)
Large group of Butterflies (Pieridae) taking flight after puddling, absorbing nutrients or minerals from damp soil, Orellana Province, Amazon rainforest, Ecuador. (non-ex)
Morley Read / Large group of Butterflies (Pieridae) taking flight after puddling, absorbing nutrients or minerals from damp soil, Orellana Province, Amazon rainforest, Ecuador. (non-ex)
Parrot snake (Leptophis ahaetulla) threat display, Amazon rainforest, Orellana Province, Ecuador. (non-ex)
Morley Read / Parrot snake (Leptophis ahaetulla) threat display, Amazon rainforest, Orellana Province, Ecuador. (non-ex)
Slow motion clip of a group of male Mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) competing violently to mate with a single female, Cornwall, England, UK, May 2018. (non-ex)
Morley Read / Slow motion clip of a group of male Mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) competing violently to mate with a single female, Cornwall, England, UK, May 2018. (non-ex)
Polar bears (Ursus maritimus) fighting in water. Beaufort Sea , Kaktovik, Alaska, USA. Highly commended in the Polar Passion category of the Nature's Best Photography Competition 2019.
Diane McAllister / Polar bears (Ursus maritimus) fighting in water. Beaufort Sea , Kaktovik, Alaska, USA. Highly commended in the Polar Passion category of the Nature's Best Photography Competition 2019.
Emperor penguin (Aptenodytes forsteri) two adults brooding chicks age 5 weeks, Antarctica. Highly commended in the Polar Passion Category of the Nature's Best Photography Awards 2019.
Stefan Christmann / Emperor penguin (Aptenodytes forsteri) two adults brooding chicks age 5 weeks, Antarctica. Highly commended in the Polar Passion Category of the Nature's Best Photography Awards 2019.
Slow motion clip of a Spiny orb-weaver (Micrathena sp.) weaving a silk nest to protect its eggs, the nest is suspended from a thread to isolate it from predators, Amazon rainforest, Ecuador. Filmed at...
Morley Read / Slow motion clip of a Spiny orb-weaver (Micrathena sp.) weaving a silk nest to protect its eggs, the nest is suspended from a thread to isolate it from predators, Amazon rainforest, Ecuador. Filmed at...
Polar bear (Ursus maritimus) female and cubs feeding on Whale carcass. Svalbard, Norway, July.
Danny Green / Polar bear (Ursus maritimus) female and cubs feeding on Whale carcass. Svalbard, Norway, July.
Polar bear (Ursus maritimus) and cubs feeding on Whale carcass. Svalbard, Norway, July.
Danny Green / Polar bear (Ursus maritimus) and cubs feeding on Whale carcass. Svalbard, Norway, July.