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Slow motion clip of rain falling into the rainforest understory, Orellana Province, Ecuador. (non-ex)
Morley Read / Slow motion clip of rain falling into the rainforest understory, Orellana Province, Ecuador. (non-ex)
Slow motion clip of a Forest whiptail lizard (Kentropyx pelviceps) blinking its eye, showing nictitating membrane crossing the eye, Amazon rainforest, Orellana Province, Ecuador. (non-ex)
Morley Read / Slow motion clip of a Forest whiptail lizard (Kentropyx pelviceps) blinking its eye, showing nictitating membrane crossing the eye, Amazon rainforest, Orellana Province, Ecuador. (non-ex)
Slow motion clip of Army ants (Eciton rapax) on the rainforest floor, Orellana Province, Ecuador. (non-ex)
Morley Read / Slow motion clip of Army ants (Eciton rapax) on the rainforest floor, Orellana Province, Ecuador. (non-ex)
Slow motion clip of a Linnaeus' sipo snake (Chironius exoletus) with open mouth, part of threat display, Amazon rainforest, Orellana Province, Ecuador. (non-ex)
Morley Read / Slow motion clip of a Linnaeus' sipo snake (Chironius exoletus) with open mouth, part of threat display, Amazon rainforest, Orellana Province, Ecuador. (non-ex)
Slow motion clip of a large group of Butterflies (Pieridae) taking flight after puddling, absorbing nutrients or minerals from damp soil, Orellana Province, Amazon rainforest, Ecuador. (non-ex)
Morley Read / Slow motion clip of a large group of Butterflies (Pieridae) taking flight after puddling, absorbing nutrients or minerals from damp soil, Orellana Province, Amazon rainforest, Ecuador. (non-ex)
Slow motion clip of a Leaf cutter ant (Atta) carrying a leaf along a branch, Orellana Province, Ecuador. (non-ex)
Morley Read / Slow motion clip of a Leaf cutter ant (Atta) carrying a leaf along a branch, Orellana Province, Ecuador. (non-ex)
Slow motion clip of a Leaf cutter ant (Atta) carrying a leaf along a branch, Orellana Province, Ecuador. (non-ex)
Morley Read / Slow motion clip of a Leaf cutter ant (Atta) carrying a leaf along a branch, Orellana Province, Ecuador. (non-ex)
Slow motion clip of a South American common toad (Rhinella margaritifera) leaping, Orellana Province, Ecuadorian Amazon. (non-ex)
Morley Read / Slow motion clip of a South American common toad (Rhinella margaritifera) leaping, Orellana Province, Ecuadorian Amazon. (non-ex)
Slow motion clip of a Mute swan (Cygnus olor) with three cygnets, Cornwall, England, UK, May. (non-ex)
Morley Read / Slow motion clip of a Mute swan (Cygnus olor) with three cygnets, Cornwall, England, UK, May. (non-ex)
Slow motion clip of a group of male Mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) competing violently to mate with a single female, Cornwall, England, UK, May 2018. (non-ex)
Morley Read / Slow motion clip of a group of male Mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) competing violently to mate with a single female, Cornwall, England, UK, May 2018. (non-ex)
Slow motion clip of a Guacamayo plump toad (Osornophryne guacamayo) walking, Orellana Province, Ecuador. (non-ex)
Morley Read / Slow motion clip of a Guacamayo plump toad (Osornophryne guacamayo) walking, Orellana Province, Ecuador. (non-ex)
Slow motion clip of a male Orchid bee (Euglossini) gathering nectar from an orchid (Lycomormium ecuadorense) flower, Imbabura Province, Ecuador. (non-ex)
Morley Read / Slow motion clip of a male Orchid bee (Euglossini) gathering nectar from an orchid (Lycomormium ecuadorense) flower, Imbabura Province, Ecuador. (non-ex)