• Résultats pour
    • Common Guillemot
  • (565)
Man collecting seabird eggs, including those of Common guillemots (Uria aalge), Skoruvikurbjarg cliffs, Langanes Peninsula, Iceland, May.
Terry Whittaker / Man collecting seabird eggs, including those of Common guillemots (Uria aalge), Skoruvikurbjarg cliffs, Langanes Peninsula, Iceland, May.
Man being lowered down a cliff to collect seabird eggs, including those of Common guillemots (Uria aalge). Camera attached to helmet, Skoruvikurbjarg cliffs, Langanes Peninsula, Iceland, May.
Terry Whittaker / Man being lowered down a cliff to collect seabird eggs, including those of Common guillemots (Uria aalge). Camera attached to helmet, Skoruvikurbjarg cliffs, Langanes Peninsula, Iceland, May.
Man being lowered down cliff to collect seabird eggs, including those of Common guillemots (Uria aalge), Skoruvikurbjarg cliffs, Langanes Peninsula, Iceland, May.
Terry Whittaker / Man being lowered down cliff to collect seabird eggs, including those of Common guillemots (Uria aalge), Skoruvikurbjarg cliffs, Langanes Peninsula, Iceland, May.
Man being raised up cliff to collect seabird eggs, including those of Common guillemots (Uria aalge), Skoruvikurbjarg cliffs, Langanes Peninsula, Iceland, May.
Terry Whittaker / Man being raised up cliff to collect seabird eggs, including those of Common guillemots (Uria aalge), Skoruvikurbjarg cliffs, Langanes Peninsula, Iceland, May.
Man being lowered down a cliff to collect seabird eggs, including those of Common guillemots (Uria aalge). Camera attached to helmet, Skoruvikurbjarg cliffs, Langanes Peninsula, Iceland, May.
Terry Whittaker / Man being lowered down a cliff to collect seabird eggs, including those of Common guillemots (Uria aalge). Camera attached to helmet, Skoruvikurbjarg cliffs, Langanes Peninsula, Iceland, May.
Man being lowered down a cliff to collect seabird eggs, including those of Common guillemots (Uria aalge). Camera attached to helmet, Skoruvikurbjarg cliffs, Langanes Peninsula, Iceland, May.
Terry Whittaker / Man being lowered down a cliff to collect seabird eggs, including those of Common guillemots (Uria aalge). Camera attached to helmet, Skoruvikurbjarg cliffs, Langanes Peninsula, Iceland, May.
Man being lowered down a cliff to collect seabird eggs, including those of Common guillemots (Uria aalge). Camera attached to helmet, Skoruvikurbjarg cliffs, Langanes Peninsula, Iceland, May.
Terry Whittaker / Man being lowered down a cliff to collect seabird eggs, including those of Common guillemots (Uria aalge). Camera attached to helmet, Skoruvikurbjarg cliffs, Langanes Peninsula, Iceland, May.
Man sorting seabird eggs, including those of Common guillemots (Uria aalge) into egg boxes, Skoruvikurbjarg cliffs, Langanes Peninsula, Iceland, May.
Terry Whittaker / Man sorting seabird eggs, including those of Common guillemots (Uria aalge) into egg boxes, Skoruvikurbjarg cliffs, Langanes Peninsula, Iceland, May.
Man being lowered down a cliff to collect seabird eggs, including those of Common guillemots (Uria aalge). Skoruvikurbjarg cliffs, Langanes Peninsula, Iceland, May.
Terry Whittaker / Man being lowered down a cliff to collect seabird eggs, including those of Common guillemots (Uria aalge). Skoruvikurbjarg cliffs, Langanes Peninsula, Iceland, May.
Avalanche on Gullemot (Uria aalge) nesting cliff on first day birds return to breed. Finnmark, Norway. March.
Pal Hermansen / Avalanche on Gullemot (Uria aalge) nesting cliff on first day birds return to breed. Finnmark, Norway. March.
Common guillemots (Uria aalge) and Razorbills (Alca torda) swimming and fishing at sea, Fowlsheugh RSPB Reserve, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, UK, May.
Philippe Clement / Common guillemots (Uria aalge) and Razorbills (Alca torda) swimming and fishing at sea, Fowlsheugh RSPB Reserve, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, UK, May.
European shag (Phalacrocorax aristotelis) sitting at the entrance of a cave with flock of Common guillemots (Uria aalge) and Gulls (Laridae) flying past cave, Hornoya and Reinoya Nature Reserve, Finnm...
Erlend Haarberg / European shag (Phalacrocorax aristotelis) sitting at the entrance of a cave with flock of Common guillemots (Uria aalge) and Gulls (Laridae) flying past cave, Hornoya and Reinoya Nature Reserve, Finnm...