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Close-up of Owl Butterfly (Caligo memnon) head showing compound eyes. Captive, originating from Central America.
Alex Hyde / Close-up of Owl Butterfly (Caligo memnon) head showing compound eyes. Captive, originating from Central America.
Caterpillar of the Citrus Swallowtail butterfly (Papillio demodocus). The caterpillar is a bird dropping mimic. Captive, originating from Africa.
Alex Hyde / Caterpillar of the Citrus Swallowtail butterfly (Papillio demodocus). The caterpillar is a bird dropping mimic. Captive, originating from Africa.
Hairs on the foot pad of a tarantula shown on false-colour scanning electron micrograph (SEM.  The hairs are finely divided and their large surface area enables the tarantula to grip smooth surfaces.
Alex Hyde / Hairs on the foot pad of a tarantula shown on false-colour scanning electron micrograph (SEM. The hairs are finely divided and their large surface area enables the tarantula to grip smooth surfaces.