• Résultats pour
    • Fusigobius
  • (3)
Twospot Sandgoby (Coryphopterus duospilus) at Walpole Island, New Caledonia.
Richard Robinson / Twospot Sandgoby (Coryphopterus duospilus) at Walpole Island, New Caledonia.
Slender sandgoby (Fusigobius gracilis) watching over a clutch of eggs hanging from the ceiling of an extremely narrow burrow. Kashiwajima, Japan.
Tony Wu / Slender sandgoby (Fusigobius gracilis) watching over a clutch of eggs hanging from the ceiling of an extremely narrow burrow. Kashiwajima, Japan.
Blotched sandgoby (Fusigobius inframaculatus) resting on sandy seabed, Bali, Indonesia, Pacific Ocean.
David Fleetham / Blotched sandgoby (Fusigobius inframaculatus) resting on sandy seabed, Bali, Indonesia, Pacific Ocean.