• Résultats pour
    • Indonesiacelebes Island
  • (1)
Rosy spindle cowrie (Phenacovolva rosea) on Branching Black Coral (Antipathes sp) Lembeh Strait, North Sulawesi, Indonesia.
Constantinos Petrinos / Rosy spindle cowrie (Phenacovolva rosea) on Branching Black Coral (Antipathes sp) Lembeh Strait, North Sulawesi, Indonesia.
Marauder Ant (Pheidologeton diversus) major worker ant smashes the mid-section of a long centipede caught during a raid, which the smallest minor worker ants have pinned down, Celebes Island, Indonesi...
Mark Moffett / Marauder Ant (Pheidologeton diversus) major worker ant smashes the mid-section of a long centipede caught during a raid, which the smallest minor worker ants have pinned down, Celebes Island, Indonesi...