• Results for
    • Inmate
  • (29)
Inmate beekeeper with honeycomb of Honey Bee (Apis mellifera). Inmates in this prison are keeping bees as part of the Sustainability in Prison program, Cedar Creek Corrections Center, Washington, USA....
Cyril Ruoso / Inmate beekeeper with honeycomb of Honey Bee (Apis mellifera). Inmates in this prison are keeping bees as part of the Sustainability in Prison program, Cedar Creek Corrections Center, Washington, USA....
Inmate beekeeper with honeycomb of Honey Bee (Apis mellifera). Inmates in this prison are keeping bees as part of the Sustainability in Prison program, Cedar Creek Corrections Center, Washington, USA....
Cyril Ruoso / Inmate beekeeper with honeycomb of Honey Bee (Apis mellifera). Inmates in this prison are keeping bees as part of the Sustainability in Prison program, Cedar Creek Corrections Center, Washington, USA....
Inmate beekeeper with honeycomb of Honey Bee (Apis mellifera). Inmates in this prison are keeping bees as part of the Sustainability in Prison program, Cedar Creek Corrections Center, Washington, USA....
Cyril Ruoso / Inmate beekeeper with honeycomb of Honey Bee (Apis mellifera). Inmates in this prison are keeping bees as part of the Sustainability in Prison program, Cedar Creek Corrections Center, Washington, USA....
Organic garden tended to by inmate as part of Sustainability in Prison program, Cedar Creek Corrections Center, Washington, USA.  September 2012.
Cyril Ruoso / Organic garden tended to by inmate as part of Sustainability in Prison program, Cedar Creek Corrections Center, Washington, USA. September 2012.
Organic garden tended to by inmate as part of Sustainability in Prison program, Cedar Creek Corrections Center, Washington, USA.  September 2012.
Cyril Ruoso / Organic garden tended to by inmate as part of Sustainability in Prison program, Cedar Creek Corrections Center, Washington, USA. September 2012.
Inmate checking on Oregon spotted frog (Rana pretiosa) in breeding tank. Prisoners in this facility are raising endangered frogs for release in the wild, as part of the Sustainability in Prisons Proje...
Cyril Ruoso / Inmate checking on Oregon spotted frog (Rana pretiosa) in breeding tank. Prisoners in this facility are raising endangered frogs for release in the wild, as part of the Sustainability in Prisons Proje...
Inmate in Cedar Creek Correction Center, checking for microchip in Oregon Spotted Frog (Rana pretiosa). Prisoners in this facility are raising endangered frogs for release in the wild, as part of the...
Cyril Ruoso / Inmate in Cedar Creek Correction Center, checking for microchip in Oregon Spotted Frog (Rana pretiosa). Prisoners in this facility are raising endangered frogs for release in the wild, as part of the...
Inmate in Cedar Creek Correction Center, checking for microchip in Oregon Spotted Frog (Rana pretiosa). Prisoners in this facility are raising endangered frogs for release in the wild, as part of the...
Cyril Ruoso / Inmate in Cedar Creek Correction Center, checking for microchip in Oregon Spotted Frog (Rana pretiosa). Prisoners in this facility are raising endangered frogs for release in the wild, as part of the...
Inmate in Cedar Creek Correction Center, checking for microchip in Oregon Spotted Frog (Rana pretiosa). Prisoners in this facility are raising endangered frogs for release in the wild, as part of the...
Cyril Ruoso / Inmate in Cedar Creek Correction Center, checking for microchip in Oregon Spotted Frog (Rana pretiosa). Prisoners in this facility are raising endangered frogs for release in the wild, as part of the...
Inmate in Cedar Creek Correction Center, checking for microchip in Oregon Spotted Frog (Rana pretiosa). Prisoners in this facility are raising endangered frogs for release in the wild, as part of the...
Cyril Ruoso / Inmate in Cedar Creek Correction Center, checking for microchip in Oregon Spotted Frog (Rana pretiosa). Prisoners in this facility are raising endangered frogs for release in the wild, as part of the...
Honey Bee (Apis mellifera) hives being tended to by inmate beekeeper as part of sustainability in prison program, Cedar Creek Corrections Center, Washington
Cyril Ruoso / Honey Bee (Apis mellifera) hives being tended to by inmate beekeeper as part of sustainability in prison program, Cedar Creek Corrections Center, Washington
Organic garden tended to by inmates as part of sustainability in prison program, Cedar Creek Corrections Center, Washington
Cyril Ruoso / Organic garden tended to by inmates as part of sustainability in prison program, Cedar Creek Corrections Center, Washington