• Résultats pour
    • Invention
  • (7)
Solar crematorium at The Muni Seva Ashram in Goraj, near Vadodara, India. December 2013.
Ashley Cooper / Solar crematorium at The Muni Seva Ashram in Goraj, near Vadodara, India. December 2013.
Solar crematorium at The Muni Seva Ashram in Goraj, near Vadodara, India. December 2013.
Ashley Cooper / Solar crematorium at The Muni Seva Ashram in Goraj, near Vadodara, India. December 2013.
Solar crematorium at The Muni Seva Ashram in Goraj, near Vadodara, India. December 2013.
Ashley Cooper / Solar crematorium at The Muni Seva Ashram in Goraj, near Vadodara, India. December 2013.
Flyboarding near Cable Beach, Kimberley, Western Australia. July 2016.
Juergen Freund / Flyboarding near Cable Beach, Kimberley, Western Australia. July 2016.
Flyboarding near Cable Beach, Kimberley, Western Australia. July 2016.
Juergen Freund / Flyboarding near Cable Beach, Kimberley, Western Australia. July 2016.
Sticky-willy (Galium aparine) fruits with hooked spines were inspiration for invention of Velcro
Albert Lleal / Sticky-willy (Galium aparine) fruits with hooked spines were inspiration for invention of Velcro
Burdock (Arctium sp) entangled on the hair of a Domestic Dog (Canis familiaris), inspiration for the invention of Velcro
Albert Lleal / Burdock (Arctium sp) entangled on the hair of a Domestic Dog (Canis familiaris), inspiration for the invention of Velcro