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Black-necked stilts (Himantopus mexicanus) pair performing post-copulatory display (as copulation ends, the male slides off the female leaving his wings draped over her and crossing his bill with hers...
Marie Read / Black-necked stilts (Himantopus mexicanus) pair performing post-copulatory display (as copulation ends, the male slides off the female leaving his wings draped over her and crossing his bill with hers...
Red mason bees (Osmia bicornis) entering and leaving nest hole drilled into a log within an insect hotel, Gloucestershire, England, UK, April.
Nick Upton / Red mason bees (Osmia bicornis) entering and leaving nest hole drilled into a log within an insect hotel, Gloucestershire, England, UK, April.
Juvenile Green woodpecker (Picus viridis)  leaving nest hole, shot looking up trunk, Bedfordshire, England, UK, June.
Brian Bevan / Juvenile Green woodpecker (Picus viridis) leaving nest hole, shot looking up trunk, Bedfordshire, England, UK, June.
Male Tooth-billed bowerbird (Scenopoeetes dentirostris) removing yellow leaves from his bower, leaving only green leaves turned over on the ground, Atherton Tablelands, Queensland, Australia.
Juergen Freund / Male Tooth-billed bowerbird (Scenopoeetes dentirostris) removing yellow leaves from his bower, leaving only green leaves turned over on the ground, Atherton Tablelands, Queensland, Australia.
Colony of Little red flying foxes (Pteropus scapulatus) leaving roost site, Atherton Tablelands, Queensland, Australia.
Juergen Freund / Colony of Little red flying foxes (Pteropus scapulatus) leaving roost site, Atherton Tablelands, Queensland, Australia.
Slow motion clip of a Tawny owl (Strix aluco) leaving nest site in hollow tree, Carmarthenshire, Wales, UK, April.
Dave Bevan / Slow motion clip of a Tawny owl (Strix aluco) leaving nest site in hollow tree, Carmarthenshire, Wales, UK, April.
Northern Flicker (Colaptes auratus) carrying fecal sac from nest cavity in forest, Alaska
Michael Quinton / Northern Flicker (Colaptes auratus) carrying fecal sac from nest cavity in forest, Alaska
Honey bee (Apis mellifera), bees can link up to form a bridge, however in this image the bridge has just collapsed leaving just three bees linked. Kiel, Germany, June.
Solvin Zankl / Honey bee (Apis mellifera), bees can link up to form a bridge, however in this image the bridge has just collapsed leaving just three bees linked. Kiel, Germany, June.
Slow motion clip of a Blue tit (Cyanistes caeruleus) flying to nest box, enters to feed nestlings and leaves, Carmarthenshire, Wales, UK, June.
Dave Bevan / Slow motion clip of a Blue tit (Cyanistes caeruleus) flying to nest box, enters to feed nestlings and leaves, Carmarthenshire, Wales, UK, June.
King penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus) entering and leaving the sea near their breeding colony, Salisbury Plain, South Georgia.
Peter Bassett / King penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus) entering and leaving the sea near their breeding colony, Salisbury Plain, South Georgia.
Kingfisher (Alcedo atthis) leaving water after successfully catching a fish, Hessen, Germany, sequence 9/9
Ingo Arndt / Kingfisher (Alcedo atthis) leaving water after successfully catching a fish, Hessen, Germany, sequence 9/9
Desert chameleon crossing sand leaving tracks, Namibia {Chamaeleo namaquensis}
Ingo Arndt / Desert chameleon crossing sand leaving tracks, Namibia {Chamaeleo namaquensis}