• Résultats pour
    • Martinet Noir
  • (279)
Common swift (Apus apus) flying low to water while hunting, Norfolk, England, UK, July. Winner of Animal Behaviour Category of the British Wildlife Photography Awards 2019.
Robin Chittenden / Common swift (Apus apus) flying low to water while hunting, Norfolk, England, UK, July. Winner of Animal Behaviour Category of the British Wildlife Photography Awards 2019.
Slow motion clip of a pair of Common swifts (Apus apus) approaching and entering a nest hole in  limestone cliff, Norfolk, England, UK, May.
Dave Bevan / Slow motion clip of a pair of Common swifts (Apus apus) approaching and entering a nest hole in limestone cliff, Norfolk, England, UK, May.
Common swifts (Apus apus) flying overhead, Wiltshire, UK, June.  Digital composite image.
Nick Upton / Common swifts (Apus apus) flying overhead, Wiltshire, UK, June. Digital composite image.
Swift (Apus apus) flock screaming  in flight against blue sky and clouds, Monmouthshire Wales, UK,  July.
Phil Savoie / Swift (Apus apus) flock screaming in flight against blue sky and clouds, Monmouthshire Wales, UK, July.
Swift (Apus apus) flock screaming  in flight against blue sky and clouds, Monmouthshire, Wales, UK, July.
Phil Savoie / Swift (Apus apus) flock screaming in flight against blue sky and clouds, Monmouthshire, Wales, UK, July.
Swift (Apus apus) flock screaming  in flight against blue sky and clouds, Monmouthshire, Wales, UK, July.
Phil Savoie / Swift (Apus apus) flock screaming in flight against blue sky and clouds, Monmouthshire, Wales, UK, July.
Common swift (Apus apus) feeding chick in a nest box, filmed using infrared light, Cambridge, England, UK, August.
Nick Upton / Common swift (Apus apus) feeding chick in a nest box, filmed using infrared light, Cambridge, England, UK, August.
Swift (Apus apus) in flight. Helsinki, Finland. July
Markus Varesvuo / Swift (Apus apus) in flight. Helsinki, Finland. July
Common swift {Apus apus} nestling. Captive, UK
Kim Taylor / Common swift {Apus apus} nestling. Captive, UK
Merlin (Falco columbarius) with Swift (Apus apus) prey , Cumbria, UK, captive. July
Ann & Steve Toon / Merlin (Falco columbarius) with Swift (Apus apus) prey , Cumbria, UK, captive. July
Swift (Apus apus) in flight with blue cloudy sky, Monmouthshire, Wales, UK. April
Phil Savoie / Swift (Apus apus) in flight with blue cloudy sky, Monmouthshire, Wales, UK. April
Swift (Apus apus) in flight with blue cloudy sky, Monmouthshire, Wales, UK. July
Phil Savoie / Swift (Apus apus) in flight with blue cloudy sky, Monmouthshire, Wales, UK. July