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Aerial view of rain forest canopy in the Foja Mountains taken from a helicopter on the route between Bog Camp and Kwerba village. Foja Mountains, West Papua. November, 2008.
Tim Laman / Aerial view of rain forest canopy in the Foja Mountains taken from a helicopter on the route between Bog Camp and Kwerba village. Foja Mountains, West Papua. November, 2008.
View from inside cockpit of aeroplane coming into land at Kwerba Village airstrip, Foja Mountains, West Papua. November, 2008.
Tim Laman / View from inside cockpit of aeroplane coming into land at Kwerba Village airstrip, Foja Mountains, West Papua. November, 2008.
View from window of aeroplane over lowland rain forest along the Mamberamo River, West Papua. October, 2008.
Tim Laman / View from window of aeroplane over lowland rain forest along the Mamberamo River, West Papua. October, 2008.
Aerial view of the Foja Mountains rain forest. The natural clearing is the "bog" area used as a landing site for the expedition, Foja Mountains, West Papua. June, 2007.
Tim Laman / Aerial view of the Foja Mountains rain forest. The natural clearing is the "bog" area used as a landing site for the expedition, Foja Mountains, West Papua. June, 2007.
View from helicopter of the Foja Mountains rain forest with  expedition researcher looking out for possible landing sites, Foja Mountains, West Papua. June, 2007.
Tim Laman / View from helicopter of the Foja Mountains rain forest with expedition researcher looking out for possible landing sites, Foja Mountains, West Papua. June, 2007.
View from aeroplane as its comes in to land at rainforest airstrip near the Karawari River, Foja Mountains, West Papua. August, 2005.
Tim Laman / View from aeroplane as its comes in to land at rainforest airstrip near the Karawari River, Foja Mountains, West Papua. August, 2005.
Aerial view of Pygmy blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus brevicauda) gliding below the surface, East Timor, Indian Ocean. Endangered.
David Fleetham / Aerial view of Pygmy blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus brevicauda) gliding below the surface, East Timor, Indian Ocean. Endangered.
Aerial view of pond turned pink due to halobacteria, Kealia National Wildlife Refuge, Maui, Hawaii. December, 2023.
David Fleetham / Aerial view of pond turned pink due to halobacteria, Kealia National Wildlife Refuge, Maui, Hawaii. December, 2023.
Aerial view of saltmarsh, Steart Marshes WWT Reserve, Somerset, England, UK. September, 2023.
David Tipling / Aerial view of saltmarsh, Steart Marshes WWT Reserve, Somerset, England, UK. September, 2023.
Aerial view of saltmarsh, Steart Marshes WWT Reserve, Somerset, England, UK. September, 2023.
David Tipling / Aerial view of saltmarsh, Steart Marshes WWT Reserve, Somerset, England, UK. September, 2023.
Aerial view of tidal channel leading from River Parrett into Steart Marshes WWT Reserve, Somerset, England, UK. September, 2023.
David Tipling / Aerial view of tidal channel leading from River Parrett into Steart Marshes WWT Reserve, Somerset, England, UK. September, 2023.
Waxwings (Bombycilla garrulus) flock in flight, New Cottessey, Norwich, Norfolk, England, UK. November.
David Tipling / Waxwings (Bombycilla garrulus) flock in flight, New Cottessey, Norwich, Norfolk, England, UK. November.