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    • Thought
  • (202)
Bachacs / Leafcutter ants {Atta cephalotes} carrying sections of Cocoa leaf bearing 'riders' thought to ward off parasitic flies which would otherwise lay their eggs on the pieces of leaf. Trinidad, W...
Kim Taylor / Bachacs / Leafcutter ants {Atta cephalotes} carrying sections of Cocoa leaf bearing 'riders' thought to ward off parasitic flies which would otherwise lay their eggs on the pieces of leaf. Trinidad, W...
Mexican free-tailed bats (Tadarida brasiliensis) emerging from Bracken Cave, Texas. Over 15 million bats are thought to live in this cave, making it the greatest concentration of mammals on the planet...
Huw Cordey / Mexican free-tailed bats (Tadarida brasiliensis) emerging from Bracken Cave, Texas. Over 15 million bats are thought to live in this cave, making it the greatest concentration of mammals on the planet...
Photographic reconstruction of Archaeopteryx by Paul D. Stewart.  The fossils of this species was from 150 million years ago, and is thought of as a stage between feathered dinosaurs and modern birds.
Paul D Stewart / Photographic reconstruction of Archaeopteryx by Paul D. Stewart. The fossils of this species was from 150 million years ago, and is thought of as a stage between feathered dinosaurs and modern birds.
Dwarf minke whale, thought to form a yet-to-be named sub-species of the Common minke whale {Balaenoptera acutorostrata}, Ribbon Reefs, Great Barrier Reef, Queensland, Australia
Mark Carwardine / Dwarf minke whale, thought to form a yet-to-be named sub-species of the Common minke whale {Balaenoptera acutorostrata}, Ribbon Reefs, Great Barrier Reef, Queensland, Australia
Rear view of Dwarf minke whale, thought to form a yet-to-be named sub-species of the Common minke whale {Balaenoptera acutorostrata}, Ribbon Reefs, Great Barrier Reef, Queensland, Australia
Mark Carwardine / Rear view of Dwarf minke whale, thought to form a yet-to-be named sub-species of the Common minke whale {Balaenoptera acutorostrata}, Ribbon Reefs, Great Barrier Reef, Queensland, Australia
Tail flippers of Dwarf minke whale, thought to form a yet-to-be named sub-species of the Common minke whale {Balaenoptera acutorostrata}, Ribbon Reefs, Great Barrier Reef, Queensland, Australia
Mark Carwardine / Tail flippers of Dwarf minke whale, thought to form a yet-to-be named sub-species of the Common minke whale {Balaenoptera acutorostrata}, Ribbon Reefs, Great Barrier Reef, Queensland, Australia
Mute Swan (Cygnus olor) swimming in harbour, viewed from underwater, St Abbs (St Abbs and Eyemouth Voluntary Marine Reserve), Berwickshire, Scotland, UK, October 2011. Did you know? In Scotland and Ir...
Linda Pitkin / 2020VISION / Mute Swan (Cygnus olor) swimming in harbour, viewed from underwater, St Abbs (St Abbs and Eyemouth Voluntary Marine Reserve), Berwickshire, Scotland, UK, October 2011. Did you know? In Scotland and Ir...
Pool and Stac Pollaidh, Coigach / Assynt SWT, Sutherland, Highlands, Scotland, UK, June 2011. Did you know? The peak of Stac Polliadh is very severely weathered and it is thought that during the last...
Joe Cornish / 2020VISION / Pool and Stac Pollaidh, Coigach / Assynt SWT, Sutherland, Highlands, Scotland, UK, June 2011. Did you know? The peak of Stac Polliadh is very severely weathered and it is thought that during the last...
European Beech tree {Fagus sylvatica} Yellow leaves in autumn, Sence Valley Forest Park, Leicestershire, UK. November. 2020VISION Book Plate. Did you know? Although thought to have been introduced by...
Ross Hoddinott / 2020VISION / European Beech tree {Fagus sylvatica} Yellow leaves in autumn, Sence Valley Forest Park, Leicestershire, UK. November. 2020VISION Book Plate. Did you know? Although thought to have been introduced by...
Blacktail Prairie Dog (Cynomys ludovicianus) engaging in Jump-yip behavior - A strong arch of the back or "jump" followed by a shrill "yip" - Thought to occur when a predator has left the area and in...
John Cancalosi / Blacktail Prairie Dog (Cynomys ludovicianus) engaging in Jump-yip behavior - A strong arch of the back or "jump" followed by a shrill "yip" - Thought to occur when a predator has left the area and in...
Green mosaic / Rancho grande harlequin frog (Atelopus cruciger) walking along tree trunk, Henri Pittier NP, Venezuela, South America, Critically endangered, thought extinct until a gravid female was f...
Stephen Dalton / Green mosaic / Rancho grande harlequin frog (Atelopus cruciger) walking along tree trunk, Henri Pittier NP, Venezuela, South America, Critically endangered, thought extinct until a gravid female was f...
Murrays abyssal anglerfish (Melanocetus murrayi) Atlantic ocean. A deep-sea fish with bioluminescent lure used to attract prey. The bioluminescence is produced by symbiotic bacteria; these bacteria ar...
Solvin Zankl / Murrays abyssal anglerfish (Melanocetus murrayi) Atlantic ocean. A deep-sea fish with bioluminescent lure used to attract prey. The bioluminescence is produced by symbiotic bacteria; these bacteria ar...