• Résultats pour
    • canad
  • (7)
Fossil ammonite {Placenticeras sp} 70m-years- old Bear's paw formation Canad
John Cancalosi / Fossil ammonite {Placenticeras sp} 70m-years- old Bear's paw formation Canad
Lighthouse in the fog, Cap des Rosiers, Gaspesie, Quebec, Canad
Eric Baccega / Lighthouse in the fog, Cap des Rosiers, Gaspesie, Quebec, Canad
Bylot island, Baffin islands, melting sea ice in spring, Canad
Staffan Widstrand / Bylot island, Baffin islands, melting sea ice in spring, Canad
Tundra buggies at Snow Goose camp, Churchill, Manitoba, Canad
Terry Andrewartha / Tundra buggies at Snow Goose camp, Churchill, Manitoba, Canad
Coastal erosion of rocks, Ile Quarry, Mingan Is, Quebec, Canad
Eric Baccega / Coastal erosion of rocks, Ile Quarry, Mingan Is, Quebec, Canad
Close-up of lichens on rock. Ellesmere, Canad
NEIL NIGHTINGALE / Close-up of lichens on rock. Ellesmere, Canad
Bowhead whale {Balaena mysticetus} Baffin Island Canad
DOC WHITE / Bowhead whale {Balaena mysticetus} Baffin Island Canad