Reportages - Le monde mystérieux des abeilles sauvages (101) Images supplémentaires...
Les photographies d'Ingo Arndt révèlent la vie fascinante de l'abeille sauvage comme jamais auparavant. Avec l'aide de scientifiques de premier plan, Ingo a passé de longs mois à explorer le comportement complexe des abeilles mellifères de nos forêts et pris plus de 60.000 photos. Ses images spectaculaires nous font pénétrer dans le nid des abeilles sauvages et révélent un insecte résistant,capable de repousser les attaques et de s'adapter à un environnement changeant. Il a capturé des comportements fascinants, notamment les abeilles excrétant des écailles de cire pour construire leurs rayons, formant des chaînes vivantes pour réguler la température du nid, les abeilles nouvellement formées se frayant un chemin hors de leurs cellules de couvain recouvertes de cire. Les images les plus étonnantes du projet montrent une bataille épique avec des abeilles ingénieuses qui se liguent pour rôtir un frelon vivant qui menaçait la colonie!
Honey bees (Apis mellifera) restrained in a research setup to feed honey bees with different types of food, Bee Institute Oberursel, Germany.
Ingo Arndt / Honey bees (Apis mellifera) restrained in a research setup to feed honey bees with different types of food, Bee Institute Oberursel, Germany.
Tree Beekeeping of Honey bees (Apis mellifera) cut into living pine, opened. Tree hive beekeeping is a traditional practice that goes back 1000 years, Poland.
Ingo Arndt / Tree Beekeeping of Honey bees (Apis mellifera) cut into living pine, opened. Tree hive beekeeping is a traditional practice that goes back 1000 years, Poland.
Wildlife Photographer Ingo Arndt taking pictures of natural nesting Honey bees (Apis mellifera), 20 metres high up a Beech tree, for his photo project on honey bees, Germany.
Ingo Arndt / Wildlife Photographer Ingo Arndt taking pictures of natural nesting Honey bees (Apis mellifera), 20 metres high up a Beech tree, for his photo project on honey bees, Germany.
Wildlife Photographer Ingo Arndt taking pictures of Honeybees (Apis melifera) at the entrance of their tree-hole hive, Germany.
Ingo Arndt / Wildlife Photographer Ingo Arndt taking pictures of Honeybees (Apis melifera) at the entrance of their tree-hole hive, Germany.
Wildlife Photographer Ingo Arndt in his hide taking pictures of the inside of a black woodpecker nest cavity colonized by honeybees (Apis mellifera), Germany
Ingo Arndt / Wildlife Photographer Ingo Arndt in his hide taking pictures of the inside of a black woodpecker nest cavity colonized by honeybees (Apis mellifera), Germany