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Foureyed fish (Anableps anableps) split level view, South America, captive
Konrad Wothe / Foureyed fish (Anableps anableps) split level view, South America, captive
Brightly coloured Mantis shrimp (Lysiosquilloides mapia) waiting to spear passing prey, Lembeh Straits, Sulawesi, Indonesia
Solvin Zankl / Brightly coloured Mantis shrimp (Lysiosquilloides mapia) waiting to spear passing prey, Lembeh Straits, Sulawesi, Indonesia
Close up of mouthparts and front claws of smasher Mantis Shrimp (Lysiosquilla sulcirostris) Lembeh Straits, Sulawesi, Indonesia
Solvin Zankl / Close up of mouthparts and front claws of smasher Mantis Shrimp (Lysiosquilla sulcirostris) Lembeh Straits, Sulawesi, Indonesia