• Résultats pour
    • cart wheel
  • (4)
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppies aged 7 weeks, with tricolour and blenheim colouration, on hay bale in straw
Petra Wegner,Petra Wegner / Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppies aged 7 weeks, with tricolour and blenheim colouration, on hay bale in straw
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, puppy aged 7 weeks with blenheim colouration, resting on hay bale in straw
Petra Wegner / Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, puppy aged 7 weeks with blenheim colouration, resting on hay bale in straw
Golden Retriever, male in straw
Petra Wegner,Petra Wegner / Golden Retriever, male in straw
Detail of wagon at historic Harmony Borax Works in Death Valley National Park, California, USA
Kirkendall-Spring / Detail of wagon at historic Harmony Borax Works in Death Valley National Park, California, USA