J - M - MCCARTHY Ian (28) Images supplémentaires...
Tout à tour cameraman pour la division histoire naturelle de la chaîne de télévision BBC ou photographe de studio, Ian McCarthy a gagné de nombreux prix et voyagé partout dans le monde. Parmi ses réalisations, on peut signaler un reportage rare sur le faucon gerfaut sur l’île d’Ellesmere. Récemment il s’est mis à assembler des images pour obtenir des panoramiques de très haute définition et produire des tirages d’art.

De son expérience sur le terrain il écrit : « Le constat inéluctable que je retiens de toutes ces dernières années de voyages est que la nature est sous une pression toujours grandissante. Elle est en régression partout dans le monde. Mes photos témoignent de ma longue relation avec le monde sauvage et de mon émerveillement devant sa beauté et sa diversité. J’aime me fondre dans la nature et la laisser évoluer devant mon objectif, capturer des instants d’une vie sauvage fragile et éphémère et des ambiances sous une lumière toujours changeante. »
Capercaillie {Tetrao urogallus} male displaying in pine forest, Scotland, UK
Ian McCarthy / Capercaillie {Tetrao urogallus} male displaying in pine forest, Scotland, UK
Common kingfisher {Alcedo atthis} perched, Cornwall, UK
Ian McCarthy / Common kingfisher {Alcedo atthis} perched, Cornwall, UK
Common raven {Corvus corax} perched, Utah, USA
Ian McCarthy / Common raven {Corvus corax} perched, Utah, USA
White tailed sea eagle {Haliaeetus albicilla} feeding on deer carcass in water, Scotland, UK
Ian McCarthy / White tailed sea eagle {Haliaeetus albicilla} feeding on deer carcass in water, Scotland, UK
Gyrfalcon {Falco rusticolus} feeding chicks at nest, Ellesmere Island, Arctic, Canada
Ian McCarthy / Gyrfalcon {Falco rusticolus} feeding chicks at nest, Ellesmere Island, Arctic, Canada
Gyrfalcon {Falco rusticolus} taking off from nest on cliffs, Ellesmere Island, Arctic, Canada
Ian McCarthy / Gyrfalcon {Falco rusticolus} taking off from nest on cliffs, Ellesmere Island, Arctic, Canada
Gyrfalcon {Falco rusticolus} perched on rock, stretching wings, Ellesmere Island, Arctic, Canada
Ian McCarthy / Gyrfalcon {Falco rusticolus} perched on rock, stretching wings, Ellesmere Island, Arctic, Canada
Gyrfalcon {Falco rusticolus} perched on rock, Ellesmere Island, Arctic, Canada
Ian McCarthy / Gyrfalcon {Falco rusticolus} perched on rock, Ellesmere Island, Arctic, Canada
Gyrfalcon {Falco rusticolus} taking off from rock, Ellesmere Island, Arctic, Canada
Ian McCarthy / Gyrfalcon {Falco rusticolus} taking off from rock, Ellesmere Island, Arctic, Canada
Gyrfalcon {Falco rusticolus} perched on rock, Ellesmere Island, Arctic, Canada
Ian McCarthy / Gyrfalcon {Falco rusticolus} perched on rock, Ellesmere Island, Arctic, Canada
Stoat / Ermine {Mustela erminea} feeding on bird's egg, Ellesmere Island, Arctic, Canada
Ian McCarthy / Stoat / Ermine {Mustela erminea} feeding on bird's egg, Ellesmere Island, Arctic, Canada
Stoat / Ermine {Mustela erminea} in summer coat, on ice, Ellesmere Island, Arctic, Canada
Ian McCarthy / Stoat / Ermine {Mustela erminea} in summer coat, on ice, Ellesmere Island, Arctic, Canada
Red grouse {Lagopus lagopus scoticus} male about to take off from moorland, Abernethy forest, Scotland, UK
Ian McCarthy / Red grouse {Lagopus lagopus scoticus} male about to take off from moorland, Abernethy forest, Scotland, UK
Atlantic salmon {Salmo salar} leaping up Cassley Falls, Scoltand, UK, composite
Ian McCarthy / Atlantic salmon {Salmo salar} leaping up Cassley Falls, Scoltand, UK, composite
Wooded landscape with thick mist at dawn, Republic of Ireland
Ian McCarthy / Wooded landscape with thick mist at dawn, Republic of Ireland
Common raven {Corvus corax} calling, Dead Horse Point SP, Utah, USA
Ian McCarthy / Common raven {Corvus corax} calling, Dead Horse Point SP, Utah, USA
Waves crashing on coast, Marion Is, Prince Edward Is sub-antarctica
Ian McCarthy / Waves crashing on coast, Marion Is, Prince Edward Is sub-antarctica
King penguin leaping out of surf {Aptenodytes patagoni} Marion Is, sub-antarctica.  (Taken on location for BBC Planet Earth Shallow Seas 2005).
Ian McCarthy / King penguin leaping out of surf {Aptenodytes patagoni} Marion Is, sub-antarctica. (Taken on location for BBC Planet Earth Shallow Seas 2005).
King penguin chicks in creche {Aptenodytes patagoni} Marion Island, sub-antarctica (Taken on location for BBC Planet Earth Shallow Seas 2005).
Ian McCarthy / King penguin chicks in creche {Aptenodytes patagoni} Marion Island, sub-antarctica (Taken on location for BBC Planet Earth Shallow Seas 2005).
King penguin trumpeting {Aptenodytes patagoni} Marion Island, sub-antarctica (Taken on location for BBC Planet Earth Shallow Seas 2005).
Ian McCarthy / King penguin trumpeting {Aptenodytes patagoni} Marion Island, sub-antarctica (Taken on location for BBC Planet Earth Shallow Seas 2005).
White tailed sea eagle {Haliaeetus albicilla} feeding on deer carcass in water, Scotland, UK
Ian McCarthy / White tailed sea eagle {Haliaeetus albicilla} feeding on deer carcass in water, Scotland, UK
Wandering albatross chick on nest {Diomedea exulans} Marion Island, sub-antarctica
Ian McCarthy / Wandering albatross chick on nest {Diomedea exulans} Marion Island, sub-antarctica
Golden eagle {Aquila chrysaetos} perched in pine tree, Scotland, UK, Captive
Ian McCarthy / Golden eagle {Aquila chrysaetos} perched in pine tree, Scotland, UK, Captive
Coal tit {Periparus ater} flapping wings on lichen covered branch in snow, Abernethy, Scotland, UK
Ian McCarthy / Coal tit {Periparus ater} flapping wings on lichen covered branch in snow, Abernethy, Scotland, UK
Flock of Snow geese in dawn sky {Chen caerulescens} Delaware, USA
Ian McCarthy / Flock of Snow geese in dawn sky {Chen caerulescens} Delaware, USA
Black throated diver {Gavia arctica} on water, Loch Maree, NW Highlands, Scotland, UK
Ian McCarthy / Black throated diver {Gavia arctica} on water, Loch Maree, NW Highlands, Scotland, UK
Atlantic salmon {Salmo salar} leaping up Cassley Falls, Scoltand, UK. Composite
Ian McCarthy / Atlantic salmon {Salmo salar} leaping up Cassley Falls, Scoltand, UK. Composite
Gyrfalcon {Falco rusticolus} perched on rock, Ellesmere Island, Arctic, Canada
Ian McCarthy / Gyrfalcon {Falco rusticolus} perched on rock, Ellesmere Island, Arctic, Canada